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Bull Terrier | Information & Characteristics breed of dog

Bull Terrier Bulldog

             potato dog 

  • Bull Terrier has other names:

Bull Terrier

  • Bull Terrier Specifications:

The Bull Terrier dog is a dog that arose as a result of cross-breeding several different breeds, with the aim of reaching the white color, until it appeared with a distinctive appearance, and strange features for dogs familiar with the shape, the white color predominates on the members of this breed.

He is an open, friendly, and quarrelsome dog, always ready to have a good time, and is always happy to see his breeder, and is shy, and if he backs out from dealing with people, this is not at all normal, and both dogs (Bull Terriers and Mini Bull Terriers) are described as brave, active and quick to anger.

These are good traits but can veer into the undesirable category. If Bull Terriers are allowed to become jealous, and without early training and socialization, including exposure to dogs and other animals, they can be aggressive towards other animals, and with people, they have gentle dispositions. On the negative side, they can bite those who get angry, and they are very barking and chasing dogs, and are often difficult to understand.

The Bull Terrier is indeed a medium-sized dog that may weigh anywhere from 35 to 75 pounds, with males reaching 55 to 75 pounds and females 45 to 55 pounds. and a height of about 21 to 22 inches at the shoulder.

  • History of the Bull Terrier:

The Bull Terrier's history dates back to around 1835 AD, and it was most likely formed by crossing a Bulldog with a now English white dog. These dogs were later crossed using Spanish pointers to increase their size.

This type of dog was known as wrestling dogs for their prowess in the dogfighting ring, and in the year 1860 AD, a man named James Hinks began cross-breeding dogs to produce an all-white dog. Fighting dogs, and their kindness towards people.

Although they are no longer used for fighting, the white Bull Terrier still holds this nickname to this day, in honor of their good disposition, and of course, the colorful Bull Terrier, and the first Bull Terrier registered by the American Kennel Club (AKC), shares this nickname. He was called Nelly II in 1885 AD.

In 1897, the American Bull Terrier Club was formed, and it became a separate breed in 1992. Among the famous admirers of Bull Terriers, General George S. Patton, actress Dolores del Rio, author John Steinbeck, and President Woodrow Wilson.

  • Where Bull Terrier dogs can be trained easily by professional trainers to do several things:

  1. Bull Terrier
     Such as guarding (governmental and private establishments, residential buildings, factories, and laboratories).
  2. As a bodyguard.
  3. It helps police and customs officers to search and detect explosive or narcotic materials, as well as used to chase fugitives and criminals.

  • Bull Terrier dog health problems:

  1. Patellar dislocation
  2. Cardiac complications.
  3. Allergy.
  4. deafness:
  5. Thyroid disorder.
  6. Kidney failure.
  7. Hearing problems occur.
  • care:
  1. Bull Terrier needs to do physical exercises daily.
  2. They should be motivated to do mental exercises such as chasing the ball.
  3. The dog should have its own place, such as a large area in which to run and walk.
  4. The dog should be brushed regularly with a soft-bristled brush on its skin to rid it of loose hair and dirt.
  5. Check the ears regularly and trim the nails regularly.
  6. Clean the dog using a clean, damp cloth.
  7. Periodic examination of the Bull Terrier to ensure that they do not have health problems. The most important tests recommended are the following:
  1. Cardiac examination.
  2. Kidney and urine analysis.
  3. Patella assessment.

  • nutrition:

  1. The food requirement of a Bull Terrier is estimated according to its age, size, and physical strength.
  2. The quality of the food provided to the dog must be taken care of.
  3. He needs a diet rich in calcium, especially in periods of growth.
  4. Keep providing food to the dog twice a day and do not leave food for him outside, so that you can measure his food and note any changes in his eating pattern, and measure calories to avoid obesity.
  5. It is important to provide nutrients useful for its growth, such as grains, vegetables, boiled chicken, dairy, and its derivatives. Contrary to what some believe, raw meat should not be given to him so as not to awaken his aggressive instincts.
Bull Terrier

  • Preventing Bull Terrier dogs from diseases:

  1. A routine care schedule should be established to keep dogs healthy through a proper diet and regular exercise.
  2. Make sure to keep him out of dangers and troubles and away from things that the dog might pick up in his mouth.
  3. Only groom the dogs as needed, at least weekly.
  4. Brush your dog's teeth at least twice a week to maintain their luster.
