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Deaf cats | How to treat and care for them

Deaf cats How to treat and care for them

Deaf cats

  • Deaf cats

 Fate may wish you to raise one of the cats with disabilities that are not completely clear, such as deaf cats, about which much is not known and about their different experiences in life.

There is no reason why your deaf cat should not have a happy, fun-filled life. Some pets are either deaf or have a hereditary predisposition to become deaf. For example, white cats with blue eyes can be born with a condition that leads to deafness.

  • How do I know if your cat is a deaf cat?

In general, it is difficult to tell if a cat is deaf, especially if there is a hearing cat in the house, because a deaf cat tends to look at the hearing cat for visual clues about what is happening, and the deaf cat will play with the other as if they are perfectly healthy and have no symptoms strange.

It may be easier to notice deafness when there is only one cat in the house. The cat may sleep very well, and you may also notice that it is startled more easily, or it may not be noticed when you enter the room.

To determine if your cat is deaf, clap your hands or move your keys frequently when away from you. If there is no reaction, there is a good chance your cat is deaf.

  • Are light-skinned cats with soft blue deaf?

Blue-eyed domestic cats with white hair are frequently thought to be entirely deaf. Also, this type of deafness can occur in white cats who have yellow, green, or blue iris on their body. Although it is often found in white cats with a blue iris or cats with different eye colors (blue and yellow), (blue and green) and especially white in white cats with mixed eyes (cats with odd eyes), it was found that deafness is more likely to be affected On the ear on the blue-eyed side. White cats' eyes can be oddly blue, gold, green, or copper in color.

  • How to communicate with a deaf cat?

Deaf cats
It is still possible to communicate with a deaf pet by using visual or tactile cues instead of your voice.

Cats easily learn to respond to hand signals, a laser pointer beam, or a light that goes out, deaf pets are more easily startled.

Always approach your pet so that he sees you coming, and steps in, or send him some other warning before letting him avoid accidentally tossing or scratching when startled.

  • Keeping Them Inside:

There are plenty of outdoor threats to deaf cats, as they can't hear dogs barking or car horns ringing, so provide your cat with a comfortable window seat where they From the outside, you can see what's taking on.

Making simple arrangements for a hearing-impaired pet is not difficult, especially since this is what we do for all our elderly friends and family, and our cats are no exception.

  • protection:

Depending on the cause of the deafness, it may not be avoidable. Some hearing loss due to aging is normal and irreversible. Bacterial infections, ear mites, or other health problems can be treated quickly and with the help of a vet.

 If left untreated, some of these health conditions can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Deaf cats
