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Cats cause 100 fires in South Korea & Cat damage in the houses?

Cats cause 100 fires in South Korea & Cat damage in the houses?

Cats cause 100 fires in South Korea & Cat damage in the houses?

  • Cats cause 100 fires in South Korea

 In an official statement, South Korean civil protection officials warned pet owners that cats caused fires, noting that more than 100 fires in the capital, Seoul, during the past three years were mainly caused by cats.

And CNN published the warning of the Fire and Disaster Management in the Korean capital, Seoul, noting that the matter applies to the United States, where cats cause a thousand fires annually inside the country.

The statement of the Fire and Disaster Management in the capital, Seoul, stated that cats caused 107 house fires between January 2019 and November of this year, and continued: Cats are said to have started fires by leaping on touch-sensitive buttons on electric stoves, which may cause gadgets to catch fire if they become overheated.

The statement added that four people were injured in the fires, and more than half of them started while pet owners were away from their homes.

"Cat-related fires have indeed been reported recently, and cat owners are warned to exercise additional caution because the fire can quickly spread if no one is there," said Chung Gyo-Chul, an official from the department.

The government also recommended that cat owners keep combustible materials such as paper towels away from the stove and use an electric burner with an oven. electric stove with an automatic separation function to prevent the risk of fires according to the seventh day.

According to the government, pet-related house fires are on the rise in Seoul, with 31 incidents reported between January and September 2019 - a considerable increase from the previous year. just eight in 2016. It added that cats caused most of the fires.

And the problem isn't limited to South Korea. According to the American Humane Society, pets are responsible for roughly 1,000 home fires in the United States each year. As a safety precaution, the group recommends that owners install hoods or remove stove knobs and that dogs be kept away from the stove.

  • Not setting fires for cats is another danger

Cats cause 100 fires in South Korea & Cat damage in the houses?
Cats may spread a variety of illnesses to people.  These diseases may cause great risks to the health of family members, as a result of the cat’s neglect and failure to follow up on its periodic examinations with the veterinarian.  The following is a list of diseases that can transmit infection:

1- Disadvantages of raising cats on pregnant women

Toxoplasmosis is a disease that cats get by eating raw meat or the meat of infected animals. Cats infected with this disease excrete eggs with their feces that are full of germs, transmitting the infection to everything that comes into contact with them. It also poses a great danger to girls, especially pregnant women, because contaminated eggs remain active in the body for a whole year and thus affect the development of the fetus. Doctors advise pregnant women not to raise cats at home because they affect them in the following way:

If a woman is pregnant in the first month, she may miscarry.

If she is pregnant from the fourth to the ninth month, the fetus may be deformed.

Several studies have proven that one in 12 women suffers from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and many psychological changes are caused by this infection. Therefore, the pregnant woman should stay away from direct contact with cats during pregnancy, especially if the cat is sick.

2- Fungal diseases

Forty percent of the world's cats carry a disease called ringworm.  This illness is transmitted directly from animal to person, and the symptoms emerge as red patches on the skin that progressively spread and cause itching.

3- conjunctivitis

Household cats often develop conjunctivitis.  This disease is transmitted to all people around it.  Its symptoms include redness in the eye, as well as the presence of pus discharges.  This disease is treated through the use of drops and ointments.  It can be prevented by washing hands well when touching cats, and not allowing them to sleep in the bed or move around the house, especially if they have this disease.

4- Sore throat and tonsils

Some cats are exposed to streptococcus, which causes infections in the throat and tonsils in humans.  This disease is dangerous for children, so you should prevent cats from approaching your food.

5- cat bite

75% of cats carry Pasteurella bacteria inside their mouth, which infects humans with a type of fever. There are types of cats that carry staph bacteria as well. Therefore, a cat bite may infect humans with tetanus or rabies, so do not hesitate to visit every bite.

6- Germ stomach

Helicobacter pylori infection is transmitted from cats to humans when human food is contaminated with food residues, which causes stomach ulcers. This disease can be prevented by keeping your cats away from kitchen tables, and by washing hands thoroughly before preparing or eating food, and after contact with cats.
