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What is the largest bird in the world?

1-The largest bird in the world

The ostrich

The ostrich is the world's largest and heaviest bird; males stand between 2.1 and 2.7 meters tall and weigh between 100 and 130 kilograms, while females are smaller. Its height ranges between 1.7 and 1.9 m, and its weight ranges between 90 and 110 kg. Female ostriches lay eggs, each weighing approximately one kilogram. Approximately half of a chicken egg, which is the largest egg of a live animal and also the largest single living cell, is similar to the weight of 24 chicken eggs.

Information about the golden eagle

The ostrich is known scientifically as (Struthio camelus), and, remarkably, the name of the species to which it belongs is (Camelus), and it is indeed similar to The camel has some of its own attributes. That is why it was called the camel bird in the old days. 

Like it, it has a long neck, prominent eyes, long and thick eyelashes, and it walks similarly to its way of walking, and it can withstand thirst and high temperatures.

The ostrich has a small head, brown eyes, a large, strong, and broad beak, and a long neck. Ostriches are typically black with a few white feathers in the wings and tail, whereas female ostriches are typically brown, with the head and most of the body covered in white feathers. the neck is reddish-blue.

The ostrich

As for the leg and thigh, they are bare of feathers. The legs of the ostrich are characterized by the strength that enables it to run at a speed of up to 72.5 km/h and also enables it to kick its enemies strongly. Each foot of the ostrich has only two fingers; one of them is large in size and resembles a hoof.

2-The largest predatory bird in the world

the Andean Condor

the Andean Condor is the largest predatory bird in the world and is one of the endangered birds of prey, with a wingspan of about 3 meters and a weight of 15 kg. The condor often inhabits high mountain areas due to the abundance of winds that help their huge bodies fly effortlessly.

Andean condors are scientifically known as Vultur gryphus, and most of their species have black plumage, except for the males, who have white feathers around their necks and white spots all over their bodies as well. Thus, it contributes to naturally cleaning the environment.

It also deals with large-sized animals, whether wild or pets, while coastal condors feed on dead marine animals, such as seals and fish, and get eggs, or young chicks.

the Andean Condor
