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Information about the golden eagle

Information about the golden eagle 

  • the Eagles

The golden eagle

Vultures are one of the largest birds of prey that exist in different species, up to 74 species, which can be found in Africa, North, Central, and South America, and Australia. Due to the characteristics and strength of eagles, they are classified as predatory birds, some of which feed on fish, and others of which feed on different types of medium-sized vertebrate animals, such as other birds, while on the other hand, eagles build their nests on tall trees or high cliffs; In this article, he will mention information about the golden eagle

The largest bird in the world

  • The golden eagle

The golden eagle

The golden eagle is one of North America's largest birds of prey and Mexico's national bird. It has various distinguishing qualities, including it is dark brown in color with golden feathers, weighs 6 to 15 pounds, and has a speed of more than 150 miles per hour, indicating that the golden eagle is fast and has sharp claws, which help it hunt prey such as rabbits, squirrels, reptiles, birds, large insects, and fish, and, as a result, farmers kill golden eagles for fear of them preying on their livestock or attacking deer.

Golden eagles build huge nests on trees, cliffs, and telephone poles and return to them after several years. 

On the other hand, golden eagles live in areas extending from western North America to the far north of Alaska and can also be found in Asia, North Africa, and Europe. It is reported that some golden eagles tend to migrate from one place to another, while others are stable and do not migrate, depending on the surrounding conditions. For example, Alaskan vultures and Canadian vultures usually migrate south in the fall, while birds that live in the western continental United States tend to stay put throughout the year.

  • Golden eagle breed

The golden eagle

Golden eagles reach sexual maturity at the age of four years when they can reproduce. This occurs in the period between January and September, and female golden eagles are monogamous and can remarry after the death of their first husband, or after the occurrence of marriage. 

These females lay about four eggs after three or four days, and then the chicks hatch the eggs about 45 days after the parents incubate them. Food is limited and insufficient. The larger and stronger chick kills the youngest chick, and when the young golden eagles reach the age of 9 to 10 weeks, they begin to fly, and they can live to the age of 32 years.

The golden eagle
