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Security preparedness accompanies the congressional elections in America

    US intelligence and law enforcement agencies are preparing for a range of potential threats to the midterm congressional elections.

    The authorities' preparedness includes extremist-backed violence, as well as cyber-attacks, disinformation on social media and "voter intimidation".

    “I think we are as prepared as possible,” a Justice Department official told the media, adding that despite this, people were “worried and tense.”

    The FBI said, according to Sky News, that the highest threats come in states where former President Donald Trump objected to the results of the 2020 elections, such as Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Wisconsin.

    In addition, the FBI will deploy a number of its personnel to polling stations to deal with election crimes on the ground.

    The first electoral centers in the United States opened their doors today, Tuesday, to kick off the mid-term elections for the US Congress, the results of which will determine the political climate during the last two years of President Joe Biden's term.
