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sayings about strong women

 sayings about strong women

strong women


The woman is the mother who carried you in her womb for nine months and endured all the difficulties for you. She is the source of tenderness and she is the one who takes care of the family. She is the address for a good society.

international women day why "march 8" specifically

sayings about strong women

You give her half, and she gives you double. This is how the female loves, in short, the female life for every man who wants life.

How beautiful the female is half calm and the other half shy.

They asked me who the female is, so I said she is the one who says I do not sell my dignity even if the dirt folds my femininity, my femininity belongs to my dignity and my dignity increases the luster of my femininity.

The strong female always hides her love inside her, she cannot show it even to the lover, and the love in her is great if you divide it on the universe to overflow.

The female danced alone, away from the eyes of the people, crying, wearing the robe of pride. The female loves a man who shares her elegance.

The female is a delicate flower, with which only tenderness and kindness are suitable. Do not pick it up if you are not able to keep it.

The strong female is the one who defies the pressures of life and passes in front of her steadfastly as if it were not. She is the one who makes happiness for herself and does not wait for her from anyone.

The tenderness of the female tells the heart of the man, and the interest of the man beats the heart of the female.

The female does not want a rich or handsome man, or even a poet, she wants a man who understands her eyes if she is sad and points with his hand to his chest and says here is your homeland.

To make the female happy, it is not enough to give her a rose to make her feel your love, but rather treat her as the most beautiful flower in your life.

Learn to respect the female, she is not incomplete for a man to complete her, and she is not a nakedness to be hidden by a man. She is the one who gives birth to half of society and raises the other half.

You cannot be more generous than the female. If you give her safety, you will have a homeland.

Thoughts about women

If a man distinguishes a woman among all women; That is love, if all the women become, the man does not sing what one woman sings; That is love, if a man distinguishes a woman not because she is the most beautiful of women, nor because she is the smartest of women, nor because she is the most loyal of women, nor because she is the most deserving of women to be loved, but because she is with her advantages and disadvantages; That is love.

The woman is nothing but the horizon from which the sun of happiness shines on this universe and illuminates its darkness, the mail that carries on his hand the Creator’s blessing to the creature, the hesitant air that bestows man his life and strength, the ascension on which souls ascend from the lower assembly to the higher assembly, and the divine messenger who looks at the believer In his face is the beauty and majesty of God.

Either the woman becomes the future of the man or the matter of humanity ends because only a woman can keep within her a hope that nothing can justify, and she invites us to a doubtful future in which we would have stopped believing a long time ago without women, I remained all my life ready to follow their voice even if it was a crazy voice, while I may be anything but a madman, there is nothing more beautiful than to be led into the unknown by the mad voice of one who is not mad, then sings the grandeur of the German words 'The Immortal Female Leads Us Up'.

During her life, a woman goes through difficult transitional stages, and crossing from one stage to another is not as easy as it may seem, as she needs a lot of help, support, and advice before returning completely to life in the present time again. There are times when her body machine stumbles and becomes damaged, and that is the wisdom The old and the simple that we don't care about in our quest to be strong, successful, and perfect all the time, the tenderness of a woman is the secret of a happy home.

Messages for International Women's Day

The first message: 

On International Women's Day, wishes spread joy and love in hearts, every year and you are the most beautiful and wonderful, my lady.

The second message: 

I can only congratulate on this occasion all the women of the earth, especially the Arab woman, who succeeded to some extent in achieving her goals and presenting her message in society.

Hence, I want to place a medal on the chest of every combatant woman. The Arab woman in general has proven her effective presence in all fields of life. Blessed is this activity, blessed is her feast, and congratulations are from the heart to the woman.

The third message: 

On the occasion of International Women's Day, which falls on the eighth of March, I am pleased to extend to all our virtuous sisters the highest congratulations coupled with the best wishes.

The fourth message:

 To every woman, I extend a greeting of affection, appreciation, and respect to all of you. The human building cannot take place without the active participation of women. They are safe from all evil and on International Women's Day, but I have all the appreciation.
