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  are you pragmatic personality

pragmatic personality

pragmatic personality

Sociologists have various classifications of forms and types of behavior in the human psyche, depending on the impact of their environment, their societies, their religious beliefs, the evolution of life from one era to another, and the change of interests and goals.

The meaning of pragmatism

The word pragmatism is derived from the Greek word pragma, meaning action. Practically it is a philosophical current created by the philosopher Charles Sander Peirce in 1870 and shared in his research and conceptions by William James and John Dewey. problems in a practical way rather than simply relying on principles and theories.

pragmatic personality

The pragmatic personality is characterized by realism and utilitarianism. It is concerned with the course of reality as much as it should be, always thinking about the consequences and results of all the above actions. The pragmatic person focuses on achieving clear useful goals and implementing concrete actions and justifying them to implement them in any way with the principle of the end justifying the means.

Pragmatic personality traits

A pragmatic personality is characterized by the following qualities:

  • Realism: the pragmatic person views and deals with things and things as they are in reality to determine his position on them, whether positive or negative.

  • Takes risks into consideration and presents them: The pragmatic personality is interested in understanding the situations in which he is exposed to focus on the results. He is not interested in imagining and anticipating risks. He believes that the goal is worth the risk and has a willingness to make mistakes from time to time.
  •  His goals are clear: the pragmatic person sets the goals he seeks to achieve. He knows what he wants without hesitation, as he plans and implements meticulously to turn his plans into reality.
  • Indifferent to how others perceive him: the pragmatic personality is focused on achieving the planned goals because he realizes that every work he does is subject to criticism, so he will not lose his focus to please others. 
  • Organized and Effective Personality: Efficiency in the use of time is one of the most important characteristics of a pragmatic personality, thanks to the experience that it possesses, which enables it to organize the task and implement it before others.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: Despite changing circumstances at home or at work, the pragmatic personality always finds a way to adapt to reality. The most important thing for them is to complete the task and reach the final goal, so you will find it always planning for the future to avoid sudden changes in circumstances.
  • Distinguished partner: You will not find a better partner in the relationship than a pragmatic personality. He does not change himself for the sake of others, but rather maintains his natural behavior based on his convictions, so he treats others in the same way during discussions and problems, as he understands the other's point of view.
  • Intelligence: The pragmatic person is seen by others as a person of sharp intelligence and has common sense, as he adopts the most effective ways to achieve his goal, and he is a quick-thinking and logical person in dealing with crises.

Advantages of a pragmatic personality

It is fortunate that he has a friend with a pragmatic personality, as he has the following advantages:

  • He enjoys democracy, as he accepts the point of view of others in any subject or discussion, even if the opinions are contradictory. He will not impose his opinion on anyone, as he looks at the issue from all angles.
  • Careful observation, he pays attention to the details of the event that everyone overlooks, as he can be relied on to clarify the pros and cons of the thing.
  • It is very logical, so you will find that he is the right person to consult as he always knows the best option for you.
  • He is able to analyze and interpret the situations he faces, thus alleviating the difficulties and sudden problems in his life.

Pragmatic personality defects

We will list below the disadvantages and disadvantages of the pragmatic personality:

  • A pragmatic person always talks to himself (monologue) when setting a goal, wondering whether it can accomplish the task or not, which leads to a kind of distraction.

  • A pragmatic person always thinks about the correctness of past choices, often regretting the past life stages.
  • Quick to get bored of the tasks assigned to him, the pragmatic person faces a kind of pressure because others always rely on him and throw tasks at him.
  • Despite the flexibility of the pragmatic personality, it is always worried about change, such as changing work or place of residence.
  • The pragmatist draws plans and scenarios in advance for a particular task, but he is afraid of failure, so thinks carefully about the right way to reach the goal with the least losses and the fastest time.
