the cat can be the transmission of the Coronavirus
A new study on the street during the “Covid-19” pandemic, as it turns out that cats can transmit the virus more than previously thought.
Between March and January, researchers from Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan, where the virus was initially found, gathered blood samples as well as nasal and anal swabs from 102 cats in the city.
The results, published in the journal Emerging Microbes & Infection, revealed that 15 of these cats had antibodies to "Covid-19".
Of the 15, 11 had neutralizing antibodies, which are proteins that are highly successful at binding to and stopping the virus.
The 102 cats were a mix of stray species, kept in a shelter, as well as with a vet or family-owned.
It is also important to note that the cats have not developed symptoms and none have been spent.
It turned out that the three cats with the highest levels of antibodies were owned by an individual diagnosed with “Covid-19”.
Now, researchers believe that humans may need to isolate themselves from their pets if a person tests positive for the coronavirus.
"While the actual source of infection in wild cats is unknown, it is fair to assume that infection is initiated by contact with a SARS-CoV-2, or 'Covid-19,' contaminated environment," says the study. the paper said. said Melin Jain, lead stomach. “Patients who have been fed. Therefore, cats must consider taking measures to maintain an adequate distance between “Covid-19” patients and their accompanying animals, such as cats and dogs, and hygiene and quarantine measures must be taken for these high-risk animals.”
"Those positive antibody samples were collected after the disease pandemic," the paper continues, "trying to suggest that sickness in cats may very well be associated with dev infection from people to kitties.". she noted. Of course, it is still necessary to verify this thorough investigation. SARS infection". -CoV-2, before the outbreak in a wide range of samples. “
The team was also able to identify the risk of injury again.
According to the study, the antibodies in cats showed that the type of reaction produced by cats is similar to what was observed in cases of seasonal coronavirus infection.
In other words, the cats were at risk of reinfection, which would likely be similar to humans.
- "We imply that kittens have provided everyone as an animal model for testing igg properties against SARS-CoV-2 in humans," the authors reported.
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