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 Scorpion sting

Scorpion sting
Scorpions have segmented, curved tails that contain toxins. A scorpion sting can cause death to people who are allergic to it. The toxicity of scorpions varies depending on the type of scorpion itself. Scorpion venoms contain many chemicals that can be toxic to insects or Toxic to mammals, scorpions with smaller, more bee-tailed species are usually the most venomous, and scorpion bites are usually more dangerous to young children because they cause serious symptoms, and scorpions have played the roles of villains in many myths and legends. Talk about the symptoms of a scorpion sting.

  • Scorpion bite symptoms

There are only 30 species out of 1,500 species of scorpions that produce deadly and life-threatening poisons. Scorpion stings are usually painful, but rarely life-threatening, but they may pose serious threats to young children and adults because of the very serious complications they cause in these two age groups, in which cases must go to the doctor and receive appropriate treatment, and in the following, we will talk about the symptoms of a scorpion sting:

  • Symptoms and signs at the sting site include:

Scorpion sting

  1. The scorpion sting caused significant pain at the sting site.
  2. Numbness and tingling in the same place.
  3. Slight edema at the biting site.
  4. Extreme heat scorpion sting site.

  • Signs, symptoms, and effects from a wide choice of poison: 

  1. Difficulty breathing.
  2.  Muscular twitching.
  3. Unusual movements of the head, neck, and eyes.
  4.  drooling sweating.
  5.  Vomiting and nausea.
  6.  Hypertension.
  7.  Irregular heartbeat.
  8. Insomnia.

  • scorpion sting treatment

Scorpion stingAfter identifying the symptoms of a scorpion bite, we will talk about the treatment of this sting, as most scorpion bites do not require special treatments, but it is desirable to visit a doctor as a preventive measure, and care must be received in the hospital if the symptoms are severe, and the appropriate treatment that will be received depends on  The doctor’s decision whether symptoms are caused by the allergy itself rather than the effects of the poison itself, and how severe these symptoms are. 

Sedatives can be taken if the symptoms include muscle spasms, and intravenous medications can also be taken to treat pain or high blood pressure caused by a bite  Scorpio or other symptoms.

Scorpion antivenom can be used to treat strong stings, and this antivenom is usually used with great caution due to concerns about the side effects of this antivenom and its high cost, and antivenom is more effective if administered before symptoms occur, thus antivenom is frequently chosen as a treatment. If something goes wrong, the person who was stung by a scorpion is a child who lives in remote rural areas where scorpions abound, where medical care is limited in such areas, and this treatment can also be received if the symptoms are very severe.

Scorpion sting
